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I Don't Care

It is becoming increasingly annoying seeing people on social media these days crying every time they’re up against an opinion that doesn’t align with theirs.  There’s nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion, because that’s all it is… someone’s opinion, and it means just as little as your own.

Even this very blog post quite literally means nothing. It is the silly scribblings from someone who likes to make people up in his head, and then write about what those imaginary friends are up to.

But when you start taking offence at the things the other camp says, this breeds ignorance, and that, ladies and gentlemen is the problem with this world these days.

Movements start, and then morph into something else entirely, and those who shout to the rooftops about the social injustices of not being heard seem to hide behind the woke veil.

They fucking love it there, sitting on their thrones with their righteous self-importance, knowing that if anyone dares cross them with a difference of opinion, they can call the would be debater a fascist without realising their unwillingness to listen and consider other points of view is them behaving in the exact way they report to be fighting against.

I don’t care.

What I mean by that is I subscribe to the obviously dated notion that you should treat people how you’d like to be treated yourself. If someone has a difference of opinion, then great, lets talk about that, providing you’re not going to cry and be offended when I say something you might not like because it isn’t what you think.

Like I said, it’s only an opinion, and my opinion means just as little as yours.

For instance, I am of the opinion that Jesus Christ is not the son of an all knowing, all seeing deity. I’ve been raised in the part of the world that is all for this story, but with the help of my brain, and reason, I’ve decided for myself that fairytales like this belong in works of fiction.

Just my opinion.

And no, I’m not a devil worshiper saying these words, because that would mean I’m still buying into the same fictitious nonsense.

It just feels all too convenient that if you’re born in a certain part of the world then you believe in that region’s God. It’s almost as though this God idea was created a long time ago as an element of control and through time has evolved into a barometer of how one must live their life.

Just an opinion.

Don’t cancel me yet, I’m just getting started.

Don’t get me wrong, I can respect religions. As a storyteller who loves to dive into history in one of my book series, I find different religions and the stories behind them fascinating. I treat them all with equal respect, because I love story and in every story there is always an element of truth. Not the virgin birth bullshit. No, that bit was a story concocted by a guilty party who needed to gloss over an infidelity she wouldn’t be able to hide in a few months time. Shame on you Mary, or rather Maryam, which was the translated version of her original Aramaic name (history rocks).

Stories fascinate me and the history behind them more so, but to believe the stories, shunning anyone who might believe another story, or even worse, NO STORY AT ALL!  Well for me that is just silly, because we also have historians who don’t have any agenda other than uncovering the truth… we hope.

Even truth though, what we believe is true throughout history, are stories told by those chronicling the episode back then. Did they have an agenda or an opinion which over time morphed into, (excuse the completely intentional pun), gospel truth?

To be honest though, in this crazy world we live in now, religion doesn’t hold a candle to other topics and sources of outrage that keeps the woke progressively thinking offence takers, in Kleenex to dry their snowflake eyes.

I don’t care.

Only I do care enough to sit down and write this blog post when I could be walking the dog, or staring out of the window dribbling.

Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones?

If someone says something that you don’t like, suck it up, no one cares.

The problem is when people’s opinions get misconstrued as fact and that then morphs into something else entirely.

The hot topic of the past few years has been the trans thing.

Back in the day we had trannys.  We knew where we were with trannys. It was Barry the Butcher who liked to wear a dress on a Friday night and get up on stage at the Tranny bar and sing a few outlandish numbers. Everyone loved Barry… sorry, Barbra.

Then shit got serious and people started becoming offended on trans people’s behalf.  Not Barry, he didn’t give a shit, he had steak to cut and sausages to make on a Monday morning.

People felt they needed to stand up for trans men and women everywhere and make as much noise about the issues as possible. This then morphed into what I like to refer to as the batshit crazy era we are still living in today.

Treat people how you’d like to be treated yourself.  It’s universal and without exception.  If people do that then all of these issues go away.

Or, the alternative.

Watch the world turn into a place where everyone is scared to question anything for fear of being labeled Fascist, Racist, Homophobic, Anti-trans, or even Teddybearist because Mike and Lucy from across the road’s son identifies as a teddybear now, so that’s what he fucking is.

I know a few trans people and they’re normal people. They don’t bang on about the fact they wear the opposite sex’s clothes and feel marginalized because of it. It doesn’t come up.

Each to their own.

I understand if Brian wants to live his life as Katie, then it is polite to call her her/she. If they’re pre-op and squeezing all of their junk into a little string thong, then fuck, me using words they prefer to address them is the least I can do, they’ve mastered high heels. That’s dedication.

On the other hand, if Brian came to me and argued that he’s always been a woman and that I need to check my pronouns, I’d politely ask her, yes her, (because I’m not a dick and out to prove anything, or care enough about his outrage) to check her chromosomes.

Just because you feel you should be a woman, biology, actual science, doesn’t care about your feelings because you have, or at least had a dick, and there is nothing you do about it. Just be happy, live your life and treat other people how you would like to be treated yourself.  That, I guess, is this post’s theme, and it goes a long way.

If you want to believe in the easter bunny, Father Christmas, that God fella, then crack on but don’t come at me just because I don’t.

If you want to wear woman’s clothes and call yourself Diane, all power to you Clive, but don’t have a hissy fit when I don’t call you her and care little enough about your plights to listen to your whining.

If you want to eat only leaves and stuff you dig up from the soil, enjoy it while I tuck into my baby sheep leg, and don’t bore me with your sermon on how it’s a living animal, because it isn’t, not anymore, Barry the tranny saw to that.

You want to identify as a teapot, awesome, I suggest watching Beauty and the Beast, there’s a couple of you in that film.

If you’ve decided you’re gender fluid, or as I like to call it indecisive, you do you. If you’re not sure who “you” is, then why should I give a fuck?

And if you’ve decided you need to be a disabled lesbian tree then go for it.

Just don’t be a dick and think everyone needs to get in on your life choices, because we really don’t. You’re just an amusing scene in the epic tale which is our own lives. Lives in which we are the main character no matter how much an “extra” might try to upstage us with their bullshit.

Don’t preach, it’s boring and no one cares enough about your story to want to hear it.

And finally, I think I’ve already said it, just treat others how you would like to be treated yourself.

If you do that, then it doesn’t matter how eager you are to become a brand of cereal bar, because you’ll be happy… unless you’re a Lidl brand cereal bar, then all I have to say to you is aim higher friend. Have a bit more self-worth.



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